It finally feels like spring has arrived! But you know what they say… April showers bring May flowers… so you better be prepared and bring your umbrella around everywhere you go! Find out what other holidays and events you should prepare for this month:

April Fool’s Day

You better watch your back on Friday, April 1st! Although it is an unofficial holiday, April Fool’s Day is a long-standing tradition where people play (mostly) harmless pranks upon one another. Did you know that Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales (1392) contains the first recorded association between April 1st and foolishness? Last year someone brought a box of Dunkin’ Donuts into our office and filled it with raw broccoli! What are some of your favorite April Fool’s Day pranks?

Tax Day

This year, the deadline for filing your taxes is Monday, April 18th.  Tax Day is pushed back three days in 2016 because Washington D.C. is celebrating Emancipation Day on April 15th this year (it is usually celebrated on the 16th, but it falls on a Saturday this year, so it got pushed forward a day, which pushed Tax Day back a couple of days). Now you know!

Boston Marathon

The 120th Boston Marathon is always held on Patriots’ Day, which is the third Monday of April. This year it also falls on Monday, April 18th. The Boston Marathon is the world’s oldest annual marathon and is one of the world’s best-known road racing events. You can celebrate the Boston Marathon and the kick-off to marathon season by having a viewing party in your store or offering discounts on your running gear and accessories. Click here to find out more official information about the Boston Marathon.

Earth Day

Looking for ways to make a difference in your community? Celebrate Earth Day on Friday, April 22nd! The first official Earth Day was on April 22, 1970.  Click here to find a plethora of other ways to get involved and help our planet. You could consider organizing an event to get your community involved in making the world a better place – and getting your store’s name out there while you’re at it! At the very least, you could have a sidewalk sale to encourage your customers to be outside.

Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day

Did you know that Thursday, April 28th is “Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day”? Well, now you do! This program “encourages girls and boys across the country to dream without gender limitations and to think imaginatively about their family, work, and community lives.” The theme for this day in 2016 is “Sparking Aha! Moments.” Consider bringing your kids to work with you on this day so they can learn more about what you do, what it is like to have a job, and how you balance work and family. It is a great learning experience for all! Happy April!