So your customers are what keep your store in business- the more you have, the more profitable you will be. A question that likely crosses your mind often is, “what can I do to get more customers to come into my store?” Well, obviously that is the purpose of marketing, but there is more you can do! A great way to attract new customers is to use your current customers as advocates. So, this brings us to the next question. Are you creating an experience that your customers want share with their friends? We have some suggestions for ways to get your customers talking! Everyone yearns to belong to some sort of community. Use this as an opportunity to create a community of your own that your customers feel like that can be a part of. You can start by creating a welcoming and comfortable customer experience. Some suggestions are to serve beer in your store, have a day where customers can bring their pets in, have monthly workshops related to your store’s theme (ex. running tips for specialty run stores), have an app for your store, etc. Your store can also host events like a girl’s night out, fun runs, trunk shows, and happy hours. Give customers reasons to come into your store other than to buy something. By creating relationships and offering experiences for them, you will have more loyal customers who will want to talk to their friends about your store and invite them to your events. One of our clients, Athletic Annex, does a great job of creating a sense of community for their customers. They offer training programs for the local races, host different running events, like stroller runs where moms can meet, get a workout it, and socialize with other Indy moms. Consider hosting events like these, and offer discounts to anyone who participates! Word of mouth will spread quickly and you will expand your customer base. In 2016, prioritize creating a customer experience that will make your customers advocate for your store and create new business. There are many fun ways to get your community together, and as a result, into your store!