[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][minti_testimonial author=”Joey Pointer” company=”CEO, Fleet Feet”]”We rolled out an ecommerce platform and we wouldn’t have been able to do it without RICS.”[/minti_testimonial][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]At RICS, we support retailers integrating with new solutions to help grow their business. We’ve integrated with trustworthy partners offering e-commerce solutions, payment gateways, gift and loyalty solutions, EDI, Open-to-Buy Consulting, and more.  These reliable and trustworthy partners connect to RICS so you can keep up with the trends of retail technology. Click here to see learn more about the current integrations with RICS software.


We’re excited and ready to help you integrate with RICS to meet your technology needs. Due to our current development initiatives, we won’t do the custom programming of the integration. Using your development team or a partner, RICS’ API can be accessed to create custom integrations. Our services team will work with your developers throughout enablement.


RICS is already integrated with tools and services to help your business perform at its best. However, there are always opportunities for new integration ideas! We’re open to exploring integration suggestions with your help. Implementation often doesn’t require custom development, but it does require a validation process to ensure the 3rd party adds value and is feasible using the RICS API. Our integration enablement process follows four steps:
  1. Client suggests an integration
  2. RICS enabled API access if the integration is purposeful and feasible
  3. RICS provides acceptable API usage guidance to client and integrated third-party
  4. RICS monitors to ensure API guidelines are met
Don’t hesitate to reach out to an Account Manager at any time to discuss initiatives like these. You can contact us at accounts@ricssoftware.com to start the conversation. [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Do you want to increase cash flow?

Your cash flow and profitability depend on inventory productivity (i.e., does it sell or not and how fast). If you can improve this value, you can improve the profitability of your store. So, what can you do to improve your inventory productivity?

Analyze product performance

As a general rule, you can improve your cash flow by 1% for every 1 week of improvement you achieve in inventory turns. Turns are the rate at which inventory is sold within a certain time frame. This is an important indicator of how efficiently a product is moving through a sales cycle. You can use turns to discover what products sell most quickly and make you the most money (note: products selling at a faster rate usually sell at full price and higher margins). On the flip side, slow inventory turnover is an indicator of lost opportunity.

Here’s how to improve your inventory turn rate:

  1. Analyze your turn data at the class, brand, and product levels to identify inventory performance
  2. Mark down stale products to sell them quickly and make room for better-performing products
  3. Invest your cash into high productivity classes, brands, and products
Making these decisions will improve your inventory productivity to increase cash flow. What would it look like if your business could increase overall inventory turn by shaving off just one week off inventory age? Find your potential cash flow increase:

Total number of sales X .01 (1% improvement from 1-week turn increase) = cash flow increase


That’s a powerful number! RICS system provides turns, return on investment, and gross margin rate of investment on our sales reports so you don’t have to mess with calculating it yourself.

No more guesswork, no more hunches.

Get control of your inventory to increase cash flow. Need more help? Click below to register for our upcoming webinar or check out our guide, Cash Flow: How To Use Inventory Management to Make More Now.
Register for our upcoming webinar