fbpx Accessory sales may seem like an intimidating add-on for your employees. But it doesn’t have to be! That’s what four retail players set out to discuss in a panel at TRE. The talk covered different topics relative to the sales of accessories (or essentials) including strategy, training, and culture. Read on for a recap of one of the topics covered! The panel included: What in your opinion is the best way to set the stage for successful accessory sales?” Brent: First, call them ‘essentials’ instead of accessories. As the owner, get your head around that there isn’t a limit to what you can do in essentials. You have to decide that you’re going to make essentials a part of your sales strategy. Once you do that, buy that way, plan that way, and create space in the store for that. Milton: Get employees to buy into the product. If employees don’t believe in the product they are selling, they’re not going to be able to effectively market it to your customers. Ask vendors for samples to share with employees, that way you can get their buy in before you decide to sell it. Karen: Knowing your market and customers is crucial. Understanding what products you can buy for the problems your runners encounter will make a big difference in what you sell. If your store has runners coming in who say their feet hurt, have the products on hand that will solve their problems. Brian: Train your staff to believe that they’re increasing your customer’s quality of life. When team members believe they are truly helping a client, they’re more willing to listen to your customer and create a relationship with them. In turn, they’ll be able to offer helpful solutions to your customers and sell more.   If you’re a specialty run retailer, chances are you’ve heard of The Running Event (TRE). Every year, thousands of specialty run retailers meet in Austin to meet up with fellow retailers, attend educational sessions, and get a chance to check out the newest products on the market. With all of the exciting activities lined up at TRE, it may be hard to feel like you can make time for all of them. So how do you make the most of your time at such an expansive trade show? Check out our list below that will help you make the most out of your time at The Running Event this year! Review the Sessions Before You Arrive When you signed up, you were asked to specify which sessions you wanted to attend. Hopefully you took some time to review each session to ensure you selected sessions tailored to your needs. Before you arrive, take the time to review the information on each session you’re attending again. Map the sessions to the goals you have for your business, so you’ll be able to take in the information and apply it to your own business. This will help you be in the right mindset for each session. Preview the Exhibitors Most of the fun of trade shows is checking out what all of the exhibitors are doing in their booths. But with such a large event, it’s easy to just wander the floors and miss out on the opportunity to actually find a new tool or product that could really impact your store’s performance. Take time (maybe on the boring plane ride) to review the vendors listed in the pre-show guide. Each vendor has a little information about their business and what to expect from them at TRE. Make a list of the top booths you want to hit while you’re there and make sure you make time to stop in at them during the trade show hours. Follow the Hashtag Even if you’re not a huge social media fan, the benefit of following a show’s hashtag is undeniable while attending an event. You’ll be able to tap into contests, sessions you weren’t able to attend, and connect with attendees. Don’t be afraid to check out the hashtag #TRE15 this week and while you’re at the show next week. You might be able to make a new friend, win a contest, or get tips from other sessions you missed! Check Your Inbox Chances are, you’re already connected with some of the stores and exhibitors attending. Many exhibitors take advantage of being face-to-face with current and prospective customers by sending out special deals, promotions, and contests. Make sure you check your inbox every morning, who knows, maybe you’ll find a coupon or offer for a free gift you don’t want to miss! Come Prepared to Talk With so many post show events, morning runs, and time on the trade show floor, you have plenty of opportunity to chat with other attendees and exhibitors. Don’t be shy. Come ready to talk at TRE, you never know what connections you might make and who might be able to introduce you to someone important. To find out more about The Running Event, click here. If you are attending, make sure to visit the RICS team at Booth 1530!