fbpx Did you know that returning customers spend on average 67% more than first-time visitors? With a number that high, it’s incredibly hard to ignore the need to win loyal customers. But with so many ways for brands and retailers to compete with your brand, how do you stand out and create a need for your customers to come back for more? Check out a few quick tips for educating your clients that will turn them into repeat customers. Offer free fitting or gait analysis When you can teach your customers something about their needs when purchasing, they’ll automatically assert that you are the expert moving forward. Offer customers free fittings or gait analysis to determine the size and type of shoe that is best for them. Many shoppers are unaware of their true size or the type of support their body requires for a comfortable walking (or running) experience. Teach them about their personal needs and they’ll be more likely to visit your store when a need arises in the future. Host educational events Outside of fit analysis, offer nights that feature education and special discounts. Host an event with one of your brand partners or alone, but make sure to add an educational aspect to showcase you and your staff as the expert on the matter. If you’re a running store, an educational session about race training nutrition can bring people into your store and encourage them to try out different nutrition products you offer in your store. Train your employees extensively on products If your sales reps aren’t extensively trained on the latest products and how they can help your customers, you may find yourself losing out on sales. Training employees on new and existing products gives them the product knowledge they need to help customers solve problems. No shopper likes a pushy salesman who is just trying to meet a quota. But what customers do like is someone who understands their needs and can recommend the right products help them accomplish their goals. Training employees offers your customers a better experience and gives you the tools to win more sales. When it comes to creating loyal customers, education is a great tool for differentiating yourself from your competitors. Interested in learning more about winning repeat sales by offering customers a great experience? Check out our Store of the Future: Upping Your In-Store Experience guide.