Did you know that you can add an alert to a customer’s profile in RICS? You can create the alert to remind you of something which will pop up when you open the customer’s profile. Alerts can be helpful because you can use it as a way to remember unique things about your customer. For example, if the last time your customer came in your store and she told you she was training for a marathon, you could create an alert to remind you of that so you can ask her about the training and how it is going. It helps you build great relationships with your customers! Here is how you can add an alert to a customer using RICS:

In the Back Office:

  1. Navigate to the Customer:: Customer:: Manage Customer page
  2. Using the Lookup tool, lookup the customer you want to add an alert to
  3. Enter the alert you want to appear on the customer into the Alert text box
  4. Save the customer by clicking ‘Save’ or ‘Save and Clear’

At the POS:

  1. Navigate to the POS Ticket Header screen
  2. Using the Customer Lookup, search for and select the customer
  3. Click on ‘Customer Management’
  4. Enter the alert you want to add to the customer into the Alert text box
  For other RICS tips, check out our Help Center!