fbpx Calling all retailers: have you heard about heat-mapping? It is the practice of identifying the hot selling spots in your store. Not only is it a great way to know what areas in your store are drawing your customers’ attention, but it’s also a great tactic for moving low-performing inventory out of your store quickly. It sounds like a good idea in theory, but you might be wondering what the best ways to heat map are. Here are some ideas to help you out! 1. Start by mapping out where you’ve historically kept certain products and brands 2. After you have a good understanding of what walls and racks house certain inventory, identify your best and worst selling items 3. Identify 2-3 ‘hot spots’ that sell inventory best 4. Try switching out inventory every two weeks to see if you can move older inventory out before marking it down Keep an eye on if your hot spots change depending on where you put certain merchandise. Another tip to help you take advantage of heat-mapping is to send your sales people over to the spots in your store that your customers are more likely to congregate. You can also place your more popular items in less traveled areas of your store to increase the traffic to those spots. Heat-mapping can offer insight about customer behavior in your store which you can take advantage of to be a more profitable retailer. Check out other ways to increase your cash flow and download our guide.